Ketua DPRD Sumbawa sambangi BRI unit Utan Beri Semangat melayani masyarakat

JEJAK.COM.,-Rabu siang 27 Oktober 2021 ketua DPRD Sumbawa Abdul Rafiq disela perjalanan menuju Mataram, menyambangi Kantor BRI Unit Utan dalam rangka memberikan motivasi kepada kru karyawan BRI dalam melayani masyarakat.

Hal ini menjadi attensi ketua DPRD Kabupaten Sumbawa kepada BRI karena BRI merupakan salah satu bank penyalur bantuan sosial Pemerintah Pusat kepada kelompok Penerima manfaat.

“Sengaja kami datang ke kantor BRI menjumpai para karyawan yang ada di sana, sekaligus memberikan apresiasi dan motivasi untuk bekerja dengan sebaik-baiknya. Mengingat saat ini Pemerintah Daerah Kabupaten Sumbawa mendapat Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT) PPKM Sebanyak 18.936 Orang. Tentunya dibutuhkan sinergi antara Bank, tenaga Pendamping Desa dan Kecamatan dalam melakukan pendistribusian bantuan tersebut.” Ujar Rafiq yang juga ketua DPC PDIP Sumbawa ini.

Besaran BPNT yaitu Rp 200 ribu sebulan yang ditukarkan dengan bahan sembako di e-warong atau distributor resmi Kemensos. Sementara bantuan PKH memiliki nilai beragam mulai Rp 600 ribu-Rp3 juta disesuaikan dengan kriteria penerima bantuan.

Sebagai informasi, sebagai mana dikutip dari CNN Indonesia bahwa sebelum pandemi Covid-19 pemerintah melalui lintas kementerian/lembaga memiliki empat program bansos di antaranya bantuan PBI-JKN dari BPJS, bantuan Program Indonesia Pintar (PIP) dari Kemendikbud, Bantuan Pangan Non Tunai (BPNT), dan bantuan Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH) dari Kemensos.

Sementara pada masa pandemi Covid-19, ada 8 tambahan program bantuan sosial di antaranya bantuan penerima upah minimum, bantuan subsidi upah, bantuan prakerja, bansos PPKM, bansos beras Bulog, subsidi iuran kelas 3 BPJS, diskon listrik, bantuan kuota internet, dan BLT Dana Desa.

Sehingga total ada 12 program bansos pemerintah yang dijalankan di masa pandemi Covid-19.

” Terhadap program bantuan yang telah diberikan kepada masyarakat diharapkan dapat sampai ketangan yang berhak, dan sebelum tahun 2021 berlalu, kami tekankan semua sudah harus tuntas” Pungkas Rafiq.


Reporter| Abdul Ma’ruf Rahmat, SP

Editor| Nukman, SH

Sumber| Staf Ahli

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

Kabupaten Sumbawa.



The head of the Sumbawa DPRD visits the BRI unit, Utan, Gives Enthusiasm to serve the community

JEJAK.COM.,-Wednesday afternoon, October 27, 2021, the chairman of the Sumbawa DPRD, Abdul Rafiq, on the sidelines of his trip to Mataram, visited the BRI Unit Utan Office in order to motivate the BRI employee crew in serving the community.

This became the attention of the chairman of the Sumbawa Regency DPRD to BRI because BRI is one of the banks that distributes social assistance from the Central Government to the beneficiary groups.

“We deliberately came to the BRI office to meet the employees who were there, as well as to give appreciation and motivation to work as well as possible. Considering that the Sumbawa Regency Government is currently receiving PPKM Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT) as many as 18,936 people. Of course, synergies are needed between Banks, Village Assistance and Sub-district staff in distributing the aid,” said Rafiq, who is also the chairman of the Sumbawa PDIP DPC.

The amount of BPNT is IDR 200 thousand a month which is exchanged for basic necessities at e-warongs or official distributors of the Ministry of Social Affairs. Meanwhile, PKH assistance has various values ​​ranging from Rp. 600 thousand to Rp. 3 million, according to the criteria for recipients of assistance.

For information, as quoted from CNN Indonesia that before the Covid-19 pandemic the government through cross-ministerial/institutionalized had four social assistance programs including PBI-JKN assistance from BPJS, Smart Indonesia Program (PIP) assistance from the Ministry of Education and Culture, Non-Cash Food Assistance (BPNT). ), andAssistance for the Family Hope Program (PKH) from the Ministry of Social Affairs.

Meanwhile, during the Covid-19 pandemic, there were 8 additional social assistance programs including assistance for minimum wage recipients, wage subsidy assistance, pre-employment assistance, PPKM assistance, Bulog rice assistance, BPJS class 3 contribution subsidies, electricity discounts, internet quota assistance, and BLT. Village Fund.

So there are a total of 12 government social assistance programs that were carried out during the Covid-19 pandemic.

“It is hoped that the assistance programs that have been given to the community will reach the rightful hands, and before 2021 passes, we emphasize that everything must be completed,” concluded Rafiq.


Reporter| Abdul Ma’ruf Rahmat, SP

Editor| Nukman, SH

Source| Expert staff

Regional People’s Representative Assembly

Sumbawa Regency.

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