Kadisbudpora NTB usulkan Atlit Peraih Medali Emas ikut Daftar CPNS Jalur Prestasi

Dikbudpora NTB usulkan Atlit Peraih Medali Emas ikut Daftar CPNS Jalur Prestasi


JEJAK.COM,-Gubernur Nusa Tenggara Barat (NTB), Zulkieflimansyah memberikan bonus kepada Atlet peraih Medali Emas, Perak maupun Perunggu PON XX Papua, yang dihadiri     Gubernur NTB, Dr. Zulkieflimansyah, Wakil Gubernur NTB, Dr. Sitti Rohmi Djalillah serta seluruh Forkopimda Provinsi NTB, yang berlangsung di Gedung Graha Bakti Praja Kantor Gubernur NTB, Kamis (28/10/2021).

Adapun besaran bonus yang di terima masing-masing atlet berupa uang senilai Tiga ratus Juta Rupiah untuk Emas, Dua ratus juta rupiah untuk perak dan Seratus juta rupiah untuk perunggu.

Lima belas medali emas yang di raih NTB, salah satunya dari cabor kempo yaitu atas nama Idham Kholid dan Rizkiawan Santriaji nomor Embu Kyu kenshi berpasangan putra.

Di balik keberhasilannya atas raihan medali emas di PON XX Papua, tidak banyak yang tahu bahwa Idham Kholid memiliki latar belakang sebagai penjaga malam di Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga Provinsi NTB dengan berstatus tenaga kontrak.

Idham rutin berlatih dan meminta ijin/dispensasi kepada Kadispora selaku pimpinannya di tempatnya bekerja.

Sehingga Idham kerap kali tidak masuk kerja. Akan tetapi dengan kegigihan dan ketekunannya Idham Kholid berhasil membuktikan dirinya sebagai pemenang dan mendapatkan medali Emas.

Kepala Dinas Pemuda dan Olahraga (Kadispora) Provinsi NTB, Drs. H. Surya Bahari saat di konfirmasi menyampaikan,

“setiap kali Idham mengikuti kegiatan latihan, selalu kami berikan dispensasi.

Dan Alhamdulillah Idham berhasil membuktikan dirinya sebagai juara,” ungkapnya.

Lebih lanjut ia menambahkan “Nantinya setelah Idham kembali bekerja akan kami usulkan ke BKD minimal mengikuti P3K bahkan kalau ada pendaftaran Calon Pengawai Negeri Sipil (CPNS) akan kami ikut sertakan melalui jalur prestasi,” tambahnya.


REPORTER    : Febi Aulia

EDITOR         : Nukman


In English Version :


NTB Dikbudpora proposes Gold Medal-Winning Athletes to join the Achievement Path CPNS List


JEJAK.COM, – The Governor of West Nusa Tenggara (NTB), Zulkieflimansyah gave bonuses to Athletes who won Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals at XX Papua PON, which was attended by the Governor of NTB, Dr. Zulkieflimansyah, Deputy Governor of NTB, Dr. Sitti Rohmi Djalillah and the entire NTB Provincial Forkopimda, which took place at the Graha Bakti Praja Building, the NTB Governor’s Office, Thursday (28/10/2021).

The amount of the bonus received by each athlete in the form of money worth three hundred million rupiah for gold, two hundred million rupiah for silver and one hundred million rupiah for bronze.

Fifteen gold medals were won by NTB, one of which was from the Kempo sport, namely on behalf of Idham Kholid and Rizkiawan Santriaji in the Embu Kyu Kenshi number in the male pair.

Behind his success in winning the gold medal at PON XX Papua, not many know that Idham Kholid has a background as a night watchman at the NTB Provincial Youth and Sports Office with the status of a contract worker.

Idham regularly trains and asks for permission/dispensation from Kadispora as the leader at his place of work.

So Idham often does not come to work. However, with his tenacity and perseverance, Idham Kholid managed to prove himself a winner and get a Gold medal.

The Head of the Youth and Sports Office (Kadispora) of NTB Province, Drs. H. Surya Bahari when confirmed said,

“Every time Idham participates in training activities, we always give him dispensation.

And Alhamdulillah, Idham managed to prove himself as a champion,” he said.

He further added, “Later on, after Idham returns to work, we will propose to the BKD at least to take P3K, even if there is a registration for Candidates for Civil Servants (CPNS) we will include them through the achievement route,” he added.


REPORTER : Febi Aulia

EDITOR       : Nukman

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