IISWARA DPRD Kabupaten Sumbawa Berikan Bantuan bagi Lansia dan Penyandang Disabilitas di Dapil II, III, IV, dan V

JEJAK.COM,-– Ikatan Istri Wakil Rakyat (IISWARA) DPRD Kabupaten Sumbawa
secara beruntun melakukan kunjungan ke masing-masing daerah pemilihan
(dapil) dalam rangka pembagian sembako untuk lansia dan penyandang disabilitas. Bantuan yang diberikan bersumber dari anggaran dana hibah IISWARA tahun 2021.

Adapun sembako yang dibagikan mencakup 10 kilogram beras, 2 kilogram
gula, 2 liter minyak, serta 1 kaleng susu. Data penerima bantuan berupa Kartu
Tanda Penduduk (KTP) dan/atau Kartu Keluarga (KK) didapatkan lewat Data
Desa, kerja sama dengan Dinas Sosial, hingga hasil terjun langsung ke masyarakat oleh IISWARA.

Menurut dr. Selvi Abdul Rafiq, kegiatan ini merupakan wujud kepedulian kepada sesama, terutama bagi yang kesulitan dalam masa pandemi COVID- 19. “

“Sembakonya diberikan dengan mendatangi langsung rumah mereka. Door-to-door, istilahnya. Kami berharap bantuan ini bermanfaat bagi para lansia dan penyandang disabilitas. Minimal, kami dapat hadir memberikan semangat kepada mereka,” jelas Ketua IISWARA ini.

Penyalurannya sudah dimulai dari Dapil 1 (Kecamatan Sumbawa, Kecamatan Moyo Hilir, Kecamatan Moyo Utara) pada 5 Oktober 2021. Dilanjutkan dengan Dapil 3 (Kecamatan Maronge, Kecamatan Plampang, Kecamatan Empang) pada 14 Oktober 2021 serta Dapil 2 (Kecamatan Lape, Kecamatan Lopok, Kecamatan Moyo Hulu) pada 16 Oktober. Kemudian, pembagian di Dapil 5 (Kecamatan Labuan Badas, Kecamatan Unter Iwes, Kecamatan Batulanteh) dilaksanakan pada 21 Oktober 2021, dan ditutup dengan pembagian di Dapil 4 (Kecamatan Utan, Kecamatan Alas, Kecamatan Alas Barat) pada 23 Oktober 2021.

Dalam pembagian di Dapil 4, dr. Selvi Abdul Rafiq selaku Ketua IISWARA berhalangan hadir karena ada tugas dinas yang tak bisa ditinggalkan. Namun, turut hadir di antaranya Sudarti Drs. Mohamad Ansori (Wakil Ketua I); Heni Tasniasanti Nanang Nasiruddin, S.AP (Wakil Ketua III); Resmiati Budi Kurniawan, ST (Sekretaris I); Susilawati Hamzah Abdullah (Bendahara Umum); dan sepuluh anggota: Handayani Adizul Syahabuddin, SP, M.Si;
Suci Murni Junaidi; Arie Amry Lestari Syahrul, SE; Siti Hajar Basaruddin, S.AP; Herlina M. Berlian Rayes, S.Ag; Weni Winarni Bunardi, A.Md.Pi; Tuti Ismail Mustaram, SH; Suhartini Muhammad Saad, S.AP; Lenny Marlina H.
Salman Alfarizi, SH; dan Asmi M. Tahir.

“Semua anggota IISWARA DPRD
Kabupaten Sumbawa di masing-masing dapil ikut membagikan,” pungkas Selvi


Reporter| Abdul Ma’ruf Rahmat, SP

Editor| Nukman, SH

Sumber| Staf Ahli

Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah

Kabupaten Sumbawa.



IISWARA DPRD of Sumbawa Regency Provides Assistance for Elderly and Persons with Disabilities in Dapil II, III, IV, and V

JEJAK.COM,-– Association of People’s Representatives Wives (IISWARA) DPRD Sumbawa Regency
successively make visits to each constituency
(dapil) in the context of distributing basic necessities for the elderly and persons with disabilities. The assistance provided is sourced from the IISWARA grant budget for 2021.

The food items distributed include 10 kilograms of rice, 2 kilograms
sugar, 2 liters of oil, and 1 can of milk. The data of the beneficiary in the form of a Card
Identity Card (KTP) and/or Family Card (KK) obtained through Data
Villages, collaboration with the Social Service, until the results are directly sent to the community by IISWARA.

According to dr. Selvi Abdul Rafiq, this activity is a form of concern for others, especially for those who are having difficulties during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

“The basic necessities are given by going directly to their homes. Door-to-door, in other words. We hope this assistance will be useful for the elderly and people with disabilities. At least, we can be present to encourage them, “explained the Chair of IISWARA.

The distribution has started from Dapil 1 (Sumbawa District, Moyo Hilir District, North Moyo District) on October 5, 2021. Followed by Dapil 3 (Maronge District, Plampang District, Empang District) on October 14, 2021 and Dapil 2 (Lape District, Lopok District, Moyo Hulu District) on October 16. Then, the distribution in Dapil 5 (Labuan Badas Sub-district, Unter Iwes Sub-district, Batulanteh Sub-district) was held on October 21, 2021, and closed with distribution in Dapil 4 (Utan Sub-district, Alas District, Alas Barat District) on 23 October 2021.

In the distribution in the 4th electoral district, dr. Selvi Abdul Rafiq as the Chairperson of IISWARA was unable to attend because there were official duties that could not be left behind. However, also present, including Sudarti Drs. Mohamad Ansori (Vice Chair I); Heni Tasniasanti Nanang Nasiruddin, S.AP (Vice Chair III); Inaugurate Budi Kurniawan, ST (Secretary I); Susilawati Hamzah Abdullah (General Treasurer); and ten members: Handayani Adizul Syahabuddin, SP, M.Si;
Pure Saint Junaidi; Arie Amry Lestari Syahrul, SE; Siti Hajar Basaruddin, S.AP; Herlina M. Berlian Rayes, S.Ag; Weni Winarni Bunardi, A.Md.Pi; Tuti Ismail Mustaram, SH; Suhartini Muhammad Saad, S.AP; Lenny Marlina H.
Salman Alfarizi, SH; and Asmi M. Tahir.

“All members of the IISWARA DPRD”
Sumbawa Regency in each electoral district participates in distributing it,” concluded Selvi


Reporter| Abdul Ma’ruf Rahmat, SP

Editor| Nukman, SH

Source| Expert staff

Regional People’s Representative Assembly

Sumbawa Regency.


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